Wednesday, February 13, 2013

quilting with my girls

DD#2 had an extra day off from school today. DD#3 only has Kindergarten in the morning.  We made good use of our afternoon together!!  :0)  They are each working on making a doll quilt.  I got to be the very proud Mom and assistant cutter/ironer/pinner.  What a lot of fun!!


Lynette said...

Aww!! :) They're so sweet

Janet said...

Gee, that is one sweet photo that says so much.

Lori said...

I bet they had a blast!! They look happy!!

Miriam said...

Beautiful!!! Love those smiling faces. I bet you all had a ball together!

Cheri said...

What cuties! I love this picture, it looks like fun.

Jan said...

Making nice memories....and laying the foundation for an appreciation of things made by one's own hands. Priceless!

Emma said...


What a wonderful way to put the new sewing area to use.

Jeanne said...

So sweet! The perfect way to spend an afternoon.

Sue said...

Such a nice way to spend time together. They will remember these happy days spending time with their mum sewing.

Abby and Stephanie said...

Hooray for future generation quilters! Your applique in the previous post is truly amazing. That is something I always admire but never like to actually do myself.

Dixie Howard said...

Very sweet photo, Janet. Your girls are darling, and looks like they are having a lot of fun!

Barb said...

your girls are ADORABLE! they look very happy and comfortable at their machines.
Hooray for the next generation of quilts.

onlymehere said...

Love this and your adorable girls. I sew with my granddaughters. They're 4 and almost 3 and they love to pin for me and to make simple things like pillows and pillowcases. They use teeny scrap fabric too to cut and tie in knots for their own special creations! I can hardly wait until they are old enough to do what your girls are doing but for now we just do age-appropriate things. Looks like a fun day off of school at your house!

Carrie P. said...

fun time and they are so cute.

Sew Create It - Jane said...

How sweet...perfect quality and quantity time!

Jane in Cumbria said...

Lovely.....They look as if they are enjoying themselves.

Unknown said...

voila 2 mignonnes qui ont un bel avenir ....... que c'est adorables des petites filles modelles !!!!
gros bisous aux poupées

MARCIE said...

Such darling girls you have! And following in their mom's footsteps!