Tuesday, July 30, 2013

summer runner

I thought I'd do something brave and post a picture of me in a bathing suit - lol!   This is DD3# and I at the beach last week.  We went to stay with my parents for the week and it was so hot the only thing to do was to go swimming.  We had a lot of fun!
 This post is actually supposed to be about this table runner.  I finished it but I'm kind of disappointed with it.  I decided to use the blue fabric for the border. The green was fresh and pretty for spring but spring is long gone.
 I love these fabrics and the Nosegay block but, it turned out way too big and my machine quilting is pretty bad.
 Here it is on the table.  It's more like a blanket than a runner.  Oh well - I'll use it for now and make something else for fall.
We had to visit an orchard while on our holiday.  These pretty early peaches don't seem to mind the heat  :0)   I brought back a boxful to freeze for cobblers this winter - I better get at it!

Happy Quilting!!


Lori said...

You are a brave woman! The water looks very refreshing as do the lovely peaches.
I like the runner, maybe you can gift it to a non quilter who will love it regardless of its imperfections.

Carrie P. said...

now that is the way to spend a summer day.
I love your runner and I think if you add some kind of centerpiece it might not look so long to you.

MARCIE said...

Love your table blanket! LOL! Very pretty! Nothing like water when the weather is hot, glad you are enjoying summer with your darling girls!

Barb said...

you and your daughter are so cute! Love the gator
I think your runner is terrific. You'll probably be happy to see it again next spring.

Janet said...

What a lovely photo of you and your daughter. At least you have a table runner, it doesn't look too shabby at all from here. At the supermarket here yesterday I saw American peaches and nectarines and was sorely tempted except for the price.

Every Stitch said...

Your table runner looks lovely on that table - very welcoming. Can't see any problem with the quilting either. Summer fruit is the best thing about summer in my book! Such lovely peaches.

Dawn said...

What fun, you will treasure this picture when she's older!
I like the runner and agree with Barb, come next spring it will be fun to pull out and enjoy with a vase of yellow tulips.

JohnR said...

Those are lovely peaches! ;) I'm sure the cobbler will be very tasty.

Dixie Howard said...

What a cute picture of you and your daughter - you look so young -until I read the caption I thought it was a picture of two of your daughters! I think your table runner looks great - those nosegay blocks are not an easy feat to make.