Wednesday, June 27, 2012

vine 3 attatched

I had intended to work on something else last night but my finished Susan McCord vine panel #3 was calling to me to attatch it to 1 and 2.
I just can't stop working on this project. All my other projects are suffering neglect.
I've already cut out panel #4 and started preping more leaves :0)
My DD#2 designed and embroidered this handkercheif last week for her friend's birthday. The stitches started out small... :0) I think it is sweet and she's having fun doing handwork. I hope she'll make one for me for my birthday too!!
Happy Quilting!!

Friday, June 15, 2012

WISP and whole cloth quilts

I've been sewing. I'm just working away on the same old projects :0) We went camping last weekend and it rained and rained. It was a good chance to do some stitching on my vine. Still working on panel#3.
I've been making a pieced border for another long term project - my Crowfoot quilt. It's been in the ufo pile for awhile and I was thinking of it for my next handquilting project. Here is the link to the last time I posted about it.
I'm also still making blocks for the Cheddar Posy quilt for my daughter.
At the quilt show there were 2 lovely wholecloth quilts -beautifully handquilted. They were displayed flat on tables. They were folded so it was difficult to get good pictures of them. I would love to make a wholecloth quilt one day.
Quilt #1

Quilt #2
Happy Quilting!!

Monday, June 4, 2012

red and white exhibit

I had been so looking forward to the Red and White exhibit and it did not disappoint. The quilts were all hung inside this red and white barn.

It wasn't quite the display they had in New York but I liked that they hung some from above.
This is an antique quilt owned by the park. I have seen it many times - displayed folded up and I always wanted to see it in full. The different borders were unexpected and fun.
The quilting was lovely as well.
This was another antique.
And another :0)
And another. I love this one!
A close up of the block. Between the blocks it was quilted with double lined baptist fans - very fine.
This one was hung sideways - I think because it's so long.
This one had red work with a wonderful setting.
This one had an unbelievable # of tiny hst's in the sashing - just beautiful!
I love the simplicity of this quilt. It looks like it was made to be slept under.
Mine was hung with 3 others. The one above mine was made by a friend from my guild - perfect for Canada Day which is coming up - July 1st.
Another simple one - lovely!
I couldn't post them all. This exhibit was a lovely addition to the annual event.
It was especially wonderful to see the antique quilts. The hand quilting women did back then is a joy to behold :0)
Happy quilting!!

Friday, June 1, 2012

quilt show

So I promised pictures from the show. It was a beautiful sunny day and there were many quilts hung outside. The historic village is the perfect backdrop. My friend Darlene made this one.
She made this one too with the border blocks contributed by the women in my guild. We made the blocks years ago - it was fun to look for the 2 I made.
This one was just lovely.
I love the blue background of this one. What a happy quilt!
This one was hung up high. The quilts look wonderful draped from the upper balcony of this historic hotel.
My friend Liz made this one. I love the feathered star.
This one was big stitch quilted - it looked great!
Lots of color :0)
A great floral border.
I just love scrappy quilts.
This one had an interesting border too.
Other quilts are draped on fences and clotheslines. The red barn behind the fence was the site of the red and white exhibit. I'll post about that next time. I've a birthday party to plan - it was supposed to be outside but now the forecast is for rain.... :0(
Happy Quilting!!