I have been working away on all the same projects I have posted about before so I'll post some pictures from an outdoor quilt show I went to the same weekend as the Little House party. It was a gorgeous day - a bit breezy and the quilts were wonderful. The show was out at Lorraine Stagness's farm in the country. The view across the prairie is wonderful from there!

I love these circles - I could study this quilt for a long time.

This one I just thought was so pretty.

These next 2 were made as mystery quilts - there was about 7-8 of them - all different - hanging on a clothes line with the prairie as the background.

I hope next post to have something of my own share.
Happy Quilting!
A little quilt on the prairie... ;-)
love that mariners compass style quilt!
Thankyou for the wonderful eye candy. What a wonderful type of quilt show to go to.
Lovely quilts, I'm not ususally into the purple but this one's lovely with the black and cream.
That purple circle one is amazing!
Lovely quilts. I like the first one two. Thanks for sharing.
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